Breast cancer
Radiotherapy for early breast cancer

Brianna (51 years old)

Brianna is a 51-year-old kindergarten teacher. She is considering a career switch because she can no longer tolerate the loud noise of children. She felt a lump in the right breast and was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Assessment summary

  • Postmenopausal
  • No relevant medical history
  • No family history of breast or ovarian cancer
  • ECOG PS: 0
  • Tumour size: cT1c, lymph node status: cN1
  • Tumour biology: ER 0%, PgR 0%, HER2 IHC 0, Ki67 26%, G2, basal-like
  • CT scan chest/abdomen and bone scan: cM0
  • Received primary systemic therapy: 4x ddEC - 12x T
  • Mastectomy + ALND (deemed best strategy based on tumour/breast size)
    • R0 resection
    • ypT2N2a
    • G2
    • LVI absent 

Which option would you choose for this patient?